I was walking from my office across campus to the friary for a very quick lunch. It was another one of those very busy days, when the mind cramps with what one thinks are "weighty" matters of planning -- curriculum development, faculty hires, syllabus revisions, and a whole host of other re-engineering problems.
As I crossed in front of the library, a student invited me to lunch at the Dining Hall. His treat. At first, I was uncomfortable. I didn't want the student to pay for me. But, the moment called for humility and gratitude, not bravado. Even friars have to learn how to receive. We had a great lunch.
It was an act of kindness on the part of this student, just pure generosity. It made me realize just how much this world depends on generosity each and every day for its survival and quality. The experience made me think of all the other acts of kindness I might have missed today, all those people who contributed to the quality of my life and those around me, without fanfare and without need for reciprocation. Thank you, all for this goodness. And, thank you, Jason.
There is a font for all this goodness and generosity. Goodness is not an accident of time and space. It flows from an originating source, from the Logos, the Christ. "All were created through Him; all were created for Him; He is before all else that is." Jesus is the originating source of all graciousness. He is good and shares His goodness with all. To Him be all the glory.
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